March 2, 2015

10 Reasons to Get Into a Healthcare Career

Looking for a career with legs? Here’s why healthcare is a great choice.

1. You’ll be in demand!

Jobs in healthcare are rapidly growing, due to a significant labor shortage. You should never have trouble finding a job!

2. Healthcare pays

The average entry-level healthcare worker starts around $15-20 per hour. With increased training and education, your earning potential is significant. Example: the average registered nurse makes $85,000 per year.

3. Options Galore

There are lots of different opportunities in healthcare, leaving something for everyone. You can work in a lab setting with very little patient interaction or directly with patients in hospitals, homes, or clinics.

4. Free education

Because of the healthcare labor shortage, there are multiple scholarships, grants, and even employee-sponsored programs that will pay for your education.

5. Making a difference

The best part of working in healthcare is that you are making a difference in people’s lives.

6. Meet different people

Healthcare workers interact with different people every day, including patients, doctors, medical staff. In some fields, you’ll interact with researchers, technology experts, or scientists.

7. Health care is exciting

You never know what’s going to happen, and have to stay one your toes, solve problems and make good decisions. Every day is different.

8. You can move up

Our experience has found that most people that start in healthcare, stay in healthcare. Once they’ve caught the bug, they complete on-the-job training, go back to school, or obtain multiple licenses to help grow their professional success.

9. Variety

You can change specialties. If you’re interested in pediatrics or prosthetics, you can move into those areas when the opportunities arise.

10. Work anywhere

A great benefit with healthcare is that the skills are transferrable, no matter where you work. Take a year and travel the country, working as you go!